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Looking Back At January 20

Nguyen Hue commanded 50,000 troops to destroy 40,000 Siamese troops, establishing a resounding victory at Rach Gam - Xoai Mut

Looking Back At January 20
The first English parliament to include both Lords and representatives of major towns held its first meeting in the Palace of Westminster.
In the Battle of Rio de Janeiro, Portuguese forces drove the French out of Rio de Janeiro.
In the Battle of Rạch Gầm-Xoài Mút, invading Siamese forces were ambushed and annihilated at the Mekong river by the Tây Sơn.
The killing of a German officer in Bucharest sparked a pogrom by the Iron Guard, killing 125 Jews and 30 soldiers.
At the Wannsee Conference senior Nazi German officials discussed the implementation of the “Final Solution to the Jewish question”.

Looking Back: January 1-15

What Happened In History in The First Fifteen Days Of January Stretching from 1500 B.C.E. all the way up to the 21st century, this downloadable book is chock full of anecdotes about people and events that have shaped this world’s story. We scratch the surface of history to bring you more than 60 illustrated pages with story after illuminating story of the people and their milestone events that made history exciting. Starting with the emancipation of slaves in America, and ending with the “Miracle on the Hudson,” immerse yourself in 60 plus stories of kings and queens, of wars and peace deals, of calamities and innovations, and of people of all kinds living side by side on one little planet. It all happened, in history, in the first 15 days of the year. This is Volume 1 of the Looking Back series. Thank You for checking out this page   $7.50 OR Save a dollar and Pay by Personal Check Send $6.50 by check made out to: JERRY WAXMAN 104 CALLE CAMELIA AGUADILLA, PUERTO RICO 00603 Be sure to include your email so I can send you the download link. Better Yourself, Lead Others Personal Development Life Coach Certification

Looking Back At January 19

The Siege Of Rouen

Looking Back At January 19
Rouen surrendered to Henry V of England
5423 soldiers led by General José de San Martín crossed the Andes from Argentina to liberate Chile
the first electric lighting system employing overhead wires began service at Roselle New Jersey
the last Volkswagen Beetle made in Germany left VW’s plant in Emden
Japan became the 5th country to land a spacecraft on the moon

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Better Yourself, Lead Others
Personal Development Life Coach Certification