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Today In History

What happened this day in history?
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Nika Riots broke out during the racing season

Looking Back At January 13

Looking Back At January 13
The Nika riots broke out during the racing season at the Hippodrome
Dr. William Brydon reached the safety of a garrison in Jalalabad as a sole survivor of the British East India Company Army
The Treaty of Cahuenga ended the Mexican–American War in California.
The National Geographic Society was founded
The Thai Ministry of Public Health confirmed the first case of COVID-19 outside China.

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Bayinnaung, King of Burma

Looking Back At January 12

Looking Back At January 12
Byzantine Emperor Zeno was forced to flee his capital at Constantinople.
Bayinnaung was crowned King of Burma.
Hattie Caraway became the first woman elected to the United States Senate.
United Nations Security Council allowed the Palestine Liberation Organization to participate in a Security Council debate.
An earthquake in Haiti occurred, killing between 220,000 and 300,000 people.

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President Theodore Roosevelt utilized the Antiquities Act of 1906 to designate the Grand Canyon as a national monument.

Looking Back At January 11

Looking Back At January 11
Prophet Muhammad and his followers conquered Mecca
Mecca was sacked by a Qarmatian leader, Abu Tahir al-Jannabi
President Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed the Grand Canyon as a national monument
House Democrats introduced an article of impeachment against President Donald Trump again

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Dr Seuss criticized the Lend Lease Act saying it would get the US involved in war.

Looking Back At January 10

Looking Back At January 10
Thomas Paine published his pamphlet, “Common Sense”
The London Underground was born
The League of Nations was established
Franklin Roosevelt introduced the lend-lease program to Congress.

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A horse-mad Englishman created the circus

Looking Back At January 9

Looking Back At January 9
Englishman Philip Astley staged the first modern circus in London.
Christopher Columbus, sailing near the Dominican Republic, sees three “mermaids”–in reality manatees
Mahmoud Abbas was elected president of the Palestinian Authority.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone

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George Washington

Looking Back At January 8

Looking Back At January 8
President Lyndon B. Johnson declared an “unconditional war on poverty in America.”
President George Washington delivered the first State of the Union address
Black men in the District of Columbia were given the right to vote
Bolsonaro supporters stormed Brazil’s Congress

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Under Pol Pot over 1.5 million people were killed

Looking Back At January 7

Looking Back At January 7
Galileo discovers 4 moons orbiting Jupiter
Marian Anderson becomes first Black American to sing at the Met
Vietnamese forces overthrow the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia
Islamist terrorists kill 12 employees of Charlie Hebdo

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Freedom of Expression

Looking Back At January 6

Looking Back At January 6
President Franklin D. Roosevelt outlined a goal of “Four Freedoms” for the world
Donald Trump incited a violent insurrection in which his supporters attacked Capitol Police

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Wilhelm Röntgen discovered a new type of radiation called x-rays

Looking Back At January 5

Excerpt: Looking Back At January 5
“Eisenhower proposed that the US would assist other countries in their resistence to Communist Aggression. Today, leaders from Eisenhower’s own political party support Russian aggression.”

Construction began on the Golden Gate Bridge
Discovery of X-rays was reported
Nellie Tayloe Ross took office as America’s first female governor
The Eisenhower Doctrine was proposed

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